6 Digital Marketing TED Talks You Need to See Today

By ・ Published in Marketing4 min read

Let’s start with Logowski

6 Digital Marketing

To understand the influence of TED Talks in Digital Marketing, it can be stated that three different factors explain why this is so. Firstly, the content of the talks is based on solid concepts because these are drawn from experiences by experts or pioneers within their fields. Secondly, because these are short presentations (most between 7-18 minutes), they remain relevant because listeners will not get bored by them. Lastly, the talks appeal to emotions and encourage action – often resulting in a call-to-action. These factors make TED Talks valuable for Digital Marketing, as they can be used as tools that will aid marketing efforts.

An example of this is how Tic Tac used TED Talks during the FIFA World Cup. This FMCG company was looking for an unusual way to let people know that it had entered into a sponsorship agreement with the tournament organizer and turned to TED Talks and its talented pool of speakers for inspiration. The result: "Why We Collaborate," a 10-minute video, features world-class footballer Andrea Pirlo and Carlo Ancelotti, and Arrigo Sacchi talking about teamwork on the field. The video received much attention and reached more than 300,000 people through its official channels (TED).

The following six TED Talk interviews about Digital Marketing show the best ways Today's companies use digital marketing and provide good information for those looking to find jobs in the field. More than half of college graduates hold full-time jobs that don't require a degree. That means there is more opportunity than ever before for people who won't work in the rapidly changing landscape of digital media. These TED Talks can help people interested in these opportunities develop skills so they can succeed and someone with a college degree.  

Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks 

TED Fellow Nancy Duarte studies the anatomy of influential speeches that changed minds and influenced history. In this witty, fast-paced talk, she shares the secret structure behind great conversations and how anyone can apply these rules to give a speech that will be remembered and deliver a powerful message.

Susan Weinschenk: Why behavioral science is your secret weapon

Today's online consumer is more aware of choices than ever before. And yet, people keep coming back to the same websites and apps repeatedly. So how do you make a website stand out from others? In this insightful talk, behavioral scientist Susan Weinschenk shows how understanding the consumer's mind can give businesses an edge in their design — creating digital products that persuade.

Robert Neuwirth: The hidden job market of the poor

If you're struggling to make ends meet because a steady job eludes you, there may be another way to pay the bills -- but it requires thinking laterally. To help those down on their luck by finding off-the-books jobs, journalist Robert Neuwirth suggests some unconventional strategies.

Edwin Land: The intersection of business and the liberal arts

When higher education is increasingly specialized, Polaroid founder Edwin Land urged grads to resist being pigeonholed by their degree. Instead, he recommended that they focus on learning broadly about art, science, and culture -- not just in college but throughout life. He makes his case with eloquence and humor in this charming speech from 1978.

John Maeda: Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful

John Maeda - computer scientist turned president of Rhode Island School of Design -- shows how it's much harder to create simplicity than it seems. In this funny and engaging talk, he shares profound and straightforward examples -- like the first Macintosh computer and a Swiffer commercial -- and explains how we can all move toward simplicity.

Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work?

Behavioral economist Dan Ariely asks a seemingly simple question: What makes us feel good about our work? His surprising answer is a formula for motivation. In this eye-opening talk, he describes experiments to demonstrate three principles — autonomy, mastery, and purpose — that make work more satisfying than cash incentives alone.

Cameron Herold: Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs (TED Talk)

A down economy with many people out of work creates a perfect environment for entrepreneurs. But what do you do when your child tells you they want to be an entrepreneur? Do you stifle their creative spirit or encourage them?

Despite all these efforts, there are chances that when people get tired of work, they switch over to passive mode by switching on the television or radio for listening to news channels or music channels. People typically relax in such conditions by watching TV shows or by listening to songs while working on laptops or mobile phones. These devices play a vital role in keeping them updated with any recent happenings around them. Sooner than later, it has become an inseparable part of our lifestyle and is very difficult to get rid of.


TED Talks have had a significant and positive impact on the world. They've changed how we learn, interact with each other, and even find jobs! In this article you'll read about some of the famous speakers from different fields who share insights from their own fields to help us understand what it takes to be successful in today's digital marketing landscape. 

Let’s start with Logowski